After the THIRD time she tried to escape her , Charlene Wittstock now finds herself Her Serene Highness, Princess Charlene of Monaco,forced to spend her honeymoon awaiting the paternity test on what will likely be her new husband’s third illegitimate child (that we know of), conceived during Charlene and Albert’s relationship. So Albert took Charlene to her home country, South Africa, for their honeymoon, almost like he’s tempting fate that she will again try to pull a runner, this time into the arms of her countrymen. Instead of spending their honeymoon enjoying each other, Charlene and Albert have done a series of public events, and Charlene has worn black for nearly everything, almost like she’s trying to signal that she’s in mourning. Unfortunately, we don’t have any photos from the honeymoon -you can see some here. She still looks pretty sad. And we got a tip from a South African news agency - their sources claim that Charlene and Albert aren’t even sleeping in the same room. Scratch that - they aren’t even staying in the same hotel!

They left separately, probably because they were going to different locations afterwards - Charlene was going back to her hotel to weep and self-medicate, while Albert went back to the Hilton to find more women to impregnate. Seriously, poor Charlene. I’m surprised she didn’t fall into Desmond Tutu’s arms and refuse to let go until he helped her get out of her marriage. Desmond would have too! He’s so lovely.
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